Visit our ozone generator factory
We design and manufacture professional and industrial ozone generators
Ozone generators
We manufacture a wide range of high-quality ozone generators, with high-performance productions of up to 40KgO3/h, with integrated oxygen concentrator, remote control, and all kinds of safety features.
Hydro ozone plants
We manufacture ozone generators with an ozone contact and dilution system integrated in a base, ready to connect to a tank or water pipe, with all the necessary control.
Ozone assembly in container
We assemble the complete ozone system and all its accessories in a container. Save space, time and money with a turnkey container mount.
Ozone applications
Drinking water
Ozone generators for public, urban and private drinking water treatment plants. Ozone significantly improves the performance of DWTP and the quality of the resulting water.
Waste water
Ozone equipments for urban and industrial waste water treatment plants to reduce COD, BOD, SS, SD, turbidity, colour, odor, and microbiology before discharge. We do a preliminary study in our labs.
Industrial process water
Ozone system to disinfect industrial process waters as cooling towers; osmotized, distilled, and ultra-pure water tanks; fruit washers; bottling plants; CIP...
Agriculture with Ozono
We have 10 years of experience in ozone solutions for agriculture. They are mainly focused on improving irrigation water and foliar treatment, to reduce biofilm and invasive species in pipes, and also to supply oxygen,
Pools with ozone
Ozone generators to reduce chlorine consumption in public, sport and community pools, and also in water parks. They save time, space and money. You will get clear water without odors and flavours.
Fish farms with ozone
Ozone generators to treat water in fish farms, aquariums, and zoos. Maximum disinfection without chlorine. They have a control system to protect the animals,
Specialized ozone services
Customized Ozone Projects
We do customised projects: equipments, prototypes, new treatments... We have an R&D lab. We are an Ozone Enegeneering.
Pilot and test laboratory
We test water with ozone. This allow us to do studies before you make an investment. This service is unique in Spain.
Ozone Technical Service
We provide technical service for the installation and maintenance of our ozone generators. Our technicians are specialized and travel all over the world. We are fast and efficient.
16 years of experience in ozone and more than 10.000 customers
Our ozone teams are in more than 25 countries,
and we continue to give a close deal with the best service
We speak English, Spanish, French and Italian.
Latest news and ozone projects carried out

Ozono para piscifactoría de salmones
Nuestros compañeros de puesta en marcha culminan con éxito el arranque de un sistema de ozono de 2kg. Ubicación: Georgia, Costa del Mar Negro.

Jornada de divulgación de los beneficios del ozono en riego y tratamiento foliar
El evento dirigido por nuestro distrito oficial y el gerente de la finca, muestran los beneficios a profesionales del sector para que se inicien en el uso de la tecnología.

Ozono para agua residual de industria farmacéutica
Ozono para agua residual de industria farmacéutica.
Reducir DQO antes de membranas de RO.

ZonoSistem obtiene el premio a la mejor PYME de Cádiz, en la categoría de empleo y formación
Un reconocimiento de la Cámara de Comercio, con la colaboración del Banco Santander y el Grupo Joly. Este premio nos hace especial ilusión, ya que estamos convencidos de que el éxito de las empresa, depende .

Ozono en aguas de riego de semillero
Agua embalsada de baja calidad que afecta a la producción de las plántulas. Está vez en Houplines, Francia, cerca de la frontera Belga.

El cultivo sin suelo adopta cada vez más el ozono para la desinfección
El cultivo sin suelo está orientándose cada vez más hacia el ozono para la desinfección y el tratamiento de las aguas de riego", confirma Giorgio Zaffani, de la empresa italiana Ecofarm Storti, especialista en el uso del ozono.